Vandalia Rehabiliation and Health Care Center Host Food Drive for CEFS

2011-03-17T00:00:00-05:00March 17th, 2011|

Vandalia Rehabilitation and Health Care Center recently hosted a food drive to help stock the CEFS food pantry. Over 266 lbs of non-perishable food items were collected by staff members, volunteers and resident family members during the drive. Staff hope to make this an annual event to help fill the food pantry after the [...]

Bloomington RHCC Hosts a Chili Dinner Fundraiser

2011-03-17T00:00:00-05:00March 17th, 2011|

Bloomington Rehabilitation and Health Care Center hosted a Chili Dinner fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Hospital on Saturday, March 12 at their facility from 12-3pm. Live entertainment was provided by County Chaos. Guests enjoyed chili, hot dogs, chips and homemade cookies. The staff would like to thank Dr. Paturi for attending and assisting with [...]

Piper City Rehab’s Employee of the Month and letter from an ex-mayor.

2011-03-16T00:00:00-05:00March 16th, 2011|

Piper City Rehab recognizes Holly Reinagle as Employee of the Month. Holly has been a C.N.A. with our Facility for going on 8 years and has always been a team player. Holly always has a positive attitude and a very caring heart. The Residents and Staff at Piper City Rehab congratulate Holly for [...]

LaHarpe Davier Health Care Center Mardi Gras and Safari Luncheon

2011-03-16T00:00:00-05:00March 16th, 2011|

Residents at LaHarpe Davier Health Care Center celebrated Mardi Gras throughout the day on March 8.  In the morning we enjoyed a fun craft that consisted of making colorful Mardi Gras masks.  The residents were able to add glitter and feathers if they chose to.  In the afternoon the celebration continued by having [...]

Shelbyville holds a family night.

2011-03-16T00:00:00-05:00March 16th, 2011|

On Tuesday March 15, Shelbyville Rehab & Health Care Center hosted a Family Night. Good food and great company were enjoyed by all. A delicious meal of corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes, rolls, cookies and lime sherbet were served. Entertainment was proved by Jeff Runyon and Joe Readnour, who came and entertained all [...]
