Sheldon Health Care Center

Residents Ray Busick and Jean Wilkinson are with Staff members Shelly Gray and Penny Galloway in front of the world map that marked all of the travel destinations of the staff and residents.

Staff and residents kicked off NNHW 2012 on Sunday May 13thwith a Mother’s Day celebration. The resident’s had Strawberry Shortcake and Punch and enjoyed music provided by Bill Smhra.

Monday May 14th, Activities/Administration hosted the day as the residents had a chance to reminisce about the travels they have done throughout their lives. Staff was asked to dress representing a place that they had been or a place that they wanted to go (a lot of tropical attire that day). A large world map was hung in the Dining Room and all of the places that the residents and staff had traveled to were identified and marked. They were given a little history of how/why people began traveling and the way that travel has changed over the years. They played some popular travel games and had a trivia contest about traveling the world and then specifically the United States. They were also served a variety of foods to try from different locations.

The team and their winning tower!

The team and their winning tower!

KC Strough, a representative from Vitas Hospice recently offered a fun, interactive “Teambuilding” inservice to the staff members at Sheldon Health Care Center. Along with the teambuilding skills that the staff acquired, KC was also able to provide Staff with Continuing Education Credit. Staff members were divided into 4 teams. Each team was given bags containing the following items: 2 large sheets of flipchart paper, 4- 3×5 index cards, 4- 5×8 index cards, 4 straws, 4 Styrofoam cups, 4 large paper clips, 4 paper plates, Scissors and a roll of masking tape. Each team had a few minutes to come up with a plan to build a Free-standing 5 foot tower that could withstand a mild Hurricane wind. After coming up with a plan, the teams had 10 minutes to actually build their towers. After being put to the wind test… 3 of the 4 towers had collapsed leaving just one winning tower!

Piper City Rehab & Living Center

Piper City Rehab and Living Center

Our Volunteers

Piper City Rehab honored our Volunteers during National Nursing Home Week with refreshments and entertainment. Seated from left was Dolores Maxon of Chatsworth, Eve Sutcliffe of Chatsworth, Vi Augsburger of Chatsworth, Ruth King & Eileen Martin of Piper City. Vi was nominated Volunteer of the Year. All of our volunteers are important to us for all their love, support, and dedication. Vi has been a Volunteer for several years. She continues to mend along with our other “Sewing Ladies”, plays bingo, and bakes the best desserts for the Residents and Staff! Piper City Rehab also had a day in the sun, we had a cookout of hotdogs and hamburgers out front on the patio. Following the cookout, we played crochet and had bag tournaments. It was a great day!

Piper City Rehab and Living Center

Piper City Rehab and Living Center

Piper City Rehab celebrated National Nursing Home Week and during all the fun we captured lots of smiles including this picture of Mary of Piper City and Richard of Pontiac. Richard was the entertainment of our Rehab Alumni Party. He played Organ music, Polka & Swing music of all types. With several Community members in attendance, we celebrated the success of each member that was able to come to Piper City Rehab and return home safely.



Watseka Rehabilitation and Health Care

Watseka Rehabilitation and Health Care

Mayor Bob Harwood stopped by for a visit to kick off NNHW signing the proclamation he enjoyed cookies and coffee.


 Sheldon Health Care Center

Sheldon Health Care Center held a photo scavenger hunt for National Nursing Home Week 2012.