On Monday April 23rd the Watseka Rehab & Healthcare Center hosted a community volunteer recognition party. Sarah McDaniel, Activity Director welcomed everyone and thanked them all for all they do. Drawings for prizes were done while everyone enjoyed warm cinnamon rolls and fruit. Joey Lesage was the winner of the door prize, certificates were presented to all volunteers.
Volunteer of the year award was given to Liz Thompson,she was given a plaque in her honor. Liz plays the piano, euchre, helps with fundraisers and crafts and anywhere else she can help. Jeff Petersen, Administrator also thanked all of the volunteer’s for all they do for the facility and the Resident’s; they are a very vital part of the facility. Congratulations Liz and to all who attended!
On Saturday April 7th the Staff and Resident’s hosted it’s annual Easter egg hunt on the back lawn. 1000 candy filled eggs were hid in the grass for the community children to hunt. The Easter Bunny stopped by for a visit and pictures the event was a huge success.